Mutilating the Body
by Kim Hewitt
Japanese Dragon
Tattoo Prodigies
Mike DeVries
To Hell and Back
Tattoo Seminar
118 Minutes DVD
Mau Moko
by Ngahuia Te Awekotuku
Kalinga Tattoo
by Lars Krutak
Basic Fundamentals
of Modern Tattoo
by C.R. Jordan
The Piercing Bible
New Edition
by Elayne Angel
#KPIE-1012 |
500 Fairy Motifs
by Myrea Pettit
China Tattoo
Chris Wroblewski
The History of Tattooing
by Wilfrid Dyson Hambly (1925)
Basic Tattooing Techniques
by Brian Johnson
The Force in the Flesh
Star Wars inspired
Let's Be Realistic
by Mike DeVries
Inside the Tattoo Circus
by Kristian Misser
Russian Criminal Tattoo
Encyclopaedia Volume III
Rock & Street Culture
by Oilshock
Dog Illustrations
by Gladys Emerson Cook
Dragons Coloring Book
by Christy Shaffer
Samurai Arms and Armor
by Ming-Ju Sun
Complete Idiot's Guide to
Getting a Tattoo
by John Reardon
The Art and Science of Modern
by Erick Alayon
The Craft of Tattooing
by Erick Alayon
Tattooing A to Z
by Huck Spaulding
Secrets of
by Erick Alayon
1,001 Floral Motifs and
for Artists and Craftspeople
Denny Rogers The Illustrated
Bald Eagle
African Designs
CD-ROM & Book for Macintosh & Windows
The Elements of Japanese
Street Shop Tattoo Stencils
by Brian Johnson and Chris Alexander
Practical Jewelry Making
by Loosli / Merz / Schaffner
Primitive and Folk Jewelry
by Martin Gerlach
Art Noveau Jewellery & Fans
by Gabriel Mourey, Aymer Vallance, et al.
Jewellery Manufacture & Repair
by Charles Jarvis
Great Book of Fairy Patterns
by Lora S. Irish
Rackham's Fairies,
Elves & Goblins Arthur Rackham
Mermaids Stained
Glass Coloring Book by Eileen Rudisill Miller
Fairies, Mermaids, and
Other Mystical Creatures
Power of Style:
Berlin Stylewriting
Puppet Terrors
Death Row Joe
& Killer Clown |
Graffiti Artist
Richie SEEN |
Blackburn Collection
Adrienne Kaeppler
Body Marks
Kathlyn Gay &
Christine Whittington
Pre-Columbian Art and Culture from the Caribbean
Mondo Lucha
a Go-Go
by Dan Madigan
Cholo Style: Homies, Homegirls &
La Raza
by Reynaldo Berrios
Frida Kahlo: The Forest of Images
The Book of Joe, Joe Coleman
Denny Rogers
The Illustrated
Brids of Prey
Tattoos of Indochina by Michael
Tattooing from Japan to the West,
Horitaka Contemporary
Japanese Tattooing Now
by Michael McCabe
The Art of Flowers by Jack Kramer
The Golden Age of Botanical Flowers
Seba's Snakes and Lizards
by Albertus Seba
KINS-1222, 600 Butterflies &
Moths by W. F. Kirby
Butterflies and Moths
CD-ROM & Book by Albertus Seba
The Tattoo
by Terisa Green
Holy Cards by Barbara Calamari &
Sandra Dipasqua
Ade Volume 1
A Year in Faith and Art
by Rosa Giorgi
Mexican Pulp-Art
Today's Botanical Artists
by Cora B. Marcus and Libby Kyer
Indian Designs
CD-ROM and Book
for Mac and Windows
Stencil Designs
CD-ROM and Book
for Mac and Windows
Scar Factory
Extreme Body Modification in Japan
by Ryoichi Maeda
Dragons #30
Heibai Huaku
More than
10,000 Designs
#KDES-1414, $
Great Book of
Celtic Patterns
by Lora S. Irish
The Crafter's Design
Library Celtic
by Chris Down
Great Book of
Floral Patterns
by Lora S. Irish
The Female Image, Twentieth
Century Prints
Display Japanese
Full-Color Angels
CD-ROM & Book for Mac & Windows
Christian Symbols
CD-ROM and Book
No Regrets
by Aviva Yael & P.M. Chen
Art Masterpieces
to Color
60 Plates
The Art of Coop, Devil's Advocate
Russian Prison Tattoos
by Alix Lambert
Visions of Mary by Barbara
Calamari & Sandra Dipasqua
by Marco Bussagli
Prices are subject to
current going price quote
of the day.
Call or Write for availability
and current price.
Prices shown are old
and not updated regularly.
Ink and Steel
Efrain Gonzalez
Danish Tattooing
Jon Nordstrom
Ornamental Borders, Scrolls and
KANG-1224, Cherub Illustrations
CD-ROM & Book
Angel Illustrations by Marty
#KANG-1223, $7.95
Floral Beauty Coloring Book
by Charlene Tarbox
Marilyn Monroe
by Eve Arnold
Flirts of the Fifties by Bunny
American Geisha: The Art of
Olivia by Olivia De Berardinis
Cheesecake Chronicles #1 by Olivia De Berardinis
KART-1241, Dome by Luis Royo
KDES-1420, Treasury of Medieval
Thai Decorative Designs
by Marty Noble
Hindu Gods and Goddesses, Stained
Glass Coloring Book by Marty Noble
Black Ink
by Ata "Toast" Bozaci
Forever and Ever: New Works
by Shawn Barber
by Michael Walsh
Graffiti Paris by Fabienne Grevy
Goddesses in Art
Lanier Graham
Tattoo Burst Magazine
May 2007, Vol. 15
Universal Tattoo Magazine
2004, No. 4
Ancient Egyptian Design
Coloring Book
by Ed Sibbett, Jr.
Egyptian Motifs
by Maggie Kate
CD-ROM and Book
for Mac and Windows
Mexican Designs
CD-ROM and Book
for Mac and Windows
North American Indian
CD-ROM and Book
for Mac and Windows
Color Your Own Abstract
Color Your Own Cassatt
Color Your Own Matisse
Color Your Own Gauguin
Color Your Own Van Degas
Color Your Own Van Gogh
Color Your Own Renoir
CD-ROM and Book
Balinese Masks: Spirits of
an Ancient Drama