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The Real Economy Sterilizer  Can be Used on a Hot Plate $ 215.00 Order # 29A-05

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Autoclave with Temp/Pressure Gauge.
Any source of heat will generate proper operation.
Our own tests prove it works, but it must be watched to maintain temperature. 
Be careful venting the steam.
Can be used on a small hot plate.
Steam Autoclave
Designed for use in rural areas of China that do not have electricity. Built-in dial indicates when Sterilization temperature-pressure is reached. The heat source should be monitored for the 20 minutes needed for adequate overkill to assure sterilization. Any heat source will work.
Inside dimension is 8.5" Wide x 10" Deep

New, moved or repaired automatic sterilizers are not considered ready to be put into service until three (3) consecutive "negative" spore test are received.
3 Free Pre-Paid spore tests are include with these units.
After the initial testing check with your HD for
their regulations regarding periodic testing. Order more spore tests.

The "Electric Processor," Real Economy Processor," and the "Stove-Top Processor" will require a "negative" spore test for every load before the items in that load are put into service.

All autoclaves that are not fully automatic
MUST spore test every load.
Items processed with this unit cannot be used
until a "negative growth" spore test is returned.
3 Free Pre-Paid spore tests are include with this unit.
Do not put this unit into service without running 3 consecutive loads with spore tests,
returning the spore tests for processing
and waiting for the results before putting the items into service.
After the initial testing,
every load must be spore tested and held
until the results are returned as "negative growth."
Order more spore tests.