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Hepatitis B Vaccination is for
"Persons with occupational risk. HBV is a major infectious occupational hazard for health care and public safety workers. ...If those task involve contact with blood or blood-containing body fluids, such workers should be vaccinated."

"Since tattooing and piercing generate blood, workers in this industry would fall under the scope of the standard.

"... it is OSHA's position that in the tattooing and piercing industry...employees with occupational exposure to blood...must be afforded full coverage of the standard, including, but not limited to: the hepatitis B virus vaccination..." Standard Interpretations OpCit 07/29/02

"Risks...are often highest during the professional training period.
For this reason, when possible, vaccination should be completed during training..."
Section 9 -IX Summary and Explanation of the Standard p.2

Hepatitis B Vaccination and Post-exposure Evaluation and Follow-up--
The employer shall make available the hepatitis B vaccine and vaccination series to all employees who have occupational exposure, and post-exposure evaluation and follow-up to all employees who have had an exposure incident.

The employer shall ensure that all medical evaluations and procedures including the hepatitis B vaccine and vaccination series and post-exposure evaluation and follow-up, including prophylaxis, are:
Made available at no cost to the employee;
Made available to the employee at a reasonable time and place;
Performed by or under the supervision of a licensed physician or by or under the supervision of another licensed healthcare professional; and
Provided according to recommendations of the U.S. Public Health Service current at the time these evaluations and procedures take place, except as specified by this paragraph (f).