Audrey Lundy, a Red Cross spokeswoman in Dallas said people who have
received a tattoo within a state that regulates tattoo parlors now are
eligible to donate blood. She said those states include Texas, Missouri,
Kansas and Arkansas.
Comment by WesWood
Crises often result in change when there is no "will" to change.
For example:
Something happens and we realize:
How much we love someone; how important something is,
how good, bad, true or false or just or unjust something is.
A shortage of blood prompted someone at Red Cross to lift the ban for
Texas-licensed-shop-made tattoos which previously prevented prospective
tattoo donors from contributing blood within the first 12 months after a
Since the 80s the prestigious Institute of
Medicine has been writing book after book decrying the lack of
evidence-based public health policy. Unfortunately the Red Cross change of
policy is not the result of a new vigor for evidence based public health
policy, but need.
Sure we are happy to see this change, but
it's still the same old, running things the same old way.
It would be too much to expect the truth
that tattoo and piercing do not have higher levels of blood borne pathogens
than the general population.
The real truth is, tattooed people are
healthier, stronger, smarter and more willing to think for themselves than
the general population.
Blood shortages more likely in summer, Red Cross says
Thursday, May 26, 2005
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