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Stainless Steel
Metal Content of Piercing Jewelry

Trust a Reliable Supplier and look for a shiny surface.

Mill Certificates for Stainless Steel jewelry provided by suppliers of body jewelry are fraudulent. They violate ASTM explicit agreements for use of terms such as  ASTM-F138, F136 conformity. It is consumer fraud to use such terms to get customers to pay ten times the price by claiming jewelry is F138 compliant. Body jewelry is never ASTM F138 compliant.

Customers are being deceived!

Mill Certificates are not valid for the Body Piercing Jewelry made from bars that were F138 compliant.

The "Certificate" sent by some suppliers is misrepresented as proving that the jewelry is made from the material specified in the certificate. It is not allowed to be used like that. ASTM threatens to prosecute for misuse of such claims.

A "Mill Certificate" only certifies a particular batch of material "hot from the oven" as it were, valid for that ingot or mill product, as it is, direct from the foundry before being re-worked into any product. Additional processing is not "certified" because processing alters the characteristics of the mill product: threading, drilling, bending, anything fashioned out of the original product covered by the mill certificate.

Consumers insisting on "Certificates" don't know that the certificate is intebded for the purchaser of-the-original product, from the mill and is provided, along with a report of the test results so the purchaser knows what they are buying. 

Mill Certificates do not apply nor certify a product. The final product has to be re-certified by the jewelry maker by testing and enrolling in an ASTM program.

The original "Mill Certificate" is not valid for body jewelry.

Distributors mix different shipments together. Retailers mix them again. Because there are no lot numbers or serial numbers engraved on piercing jewelry there is no assurance that a particular piece of jewelry is from anywhere.

Stainless Steel 316L,
commercial factory grade (non-F138)


Using ASTM F138 316LVM variety
is OVERKILL. It is like requiring cars
to be Rolls Royce.



ASTM Standards assert that safety in use
is the defining argument for safety.
Safe and effective usage proves safety.

There is no scientific or rational argument to support the assertion that ASTM F138 (formerly called 316LVM) is necessary or any better for body jewelry application. The argument for 316LVM has no merit and must be discarded. It is from a fringe element within piercing with a private agenda to sell F138 jewelry within the piercing community. Currently  this fringe group has embarked on a offensive to influence health departments with bogus arguments to force piercers to buy their expensive product.


Non- F138 Certified, commercial factory grade 316L
has been SAFELY used for more than 30 years
 - in millions and millions of piercings
 - by tens of thousands of piercers.

Safe "Usage"
is the standard ASTM uses as
proof of acceptability of a material for use in a specific application.

Commercial, factory grade 316L SS i
s the U.S. Piercing Industry standard
in the application of body jewelry,
for body piercing jewelry
and should is 
the standard body piercing material.ont>

Attempts to mislead piercers that ASTMF138 is the standard,
or should be the standard is not based on fact nor scientific evidence but an attempt to gain market share for corporate sponsors of organizations that shill their products.

There is no added benefit or value that a customer would get as a result
of changing the material used.

Paraphrasing Fontana’s
textbook on Corrosion Engineering, page 8

"A ridiculous example (to make a point) would be insisting that auto makers make cars from tantalum so that your car would not corrode when driven through a lake of hydrochloric acid..."

There is not a single defensible argument
to make all body jewelry or even
initial "fresh" piercing jewelry
 from ASTM F138 material.
It is merely to make excess
unjustified profits for the suppliers.


Concerning threading, internal is a sham as well.

 I exposed the defenseless claim that piercings were being torn up inside by using externally threaded jewelry. After this was exposed a new lie was invented called  "micro-tears."  How childish, Ridiculous!

Read more at www.wreyeting.org

If a supplier mixed together 316L with F`138 you would never know the difference.

Who is to say that is not going on?

  A reliable supplier does not try to fool customers.

Better yet,
don't waste your money on F138. The metal is not superior or better in any way in the application for body piercing jewelry.

Implant surgery is a different application.

The mass majority of all piercing jewelry is made overseas and mostly from Asia.

Do not be fooled.

For piercing jewelry F138 is not any better than 316L for body jewelry.

As an example, would it make sense to buy the newest titanium alloy and pay a premium because it would melt at 800 degrees Centigrade rather than 500 degrees Centigrade? This is in effect what the difference is for piercing: NO DIFFERENCE FOR THE APPLICATION OF BODY PIERCING.

Would you pay 10 times the price for Hand Soap because it can be used in outer space?  Of course not because you are not going into outer space. You don't need it here on Earth.

Lies are meant to distort your mind's ability to see reality.

ASTM standards are the accepted way to describe what something is for trade between a buyer and a seller so those using the specification are talking about the same material.

Body piercing jewelry and tools are not rocket science products.

The cost of the stainless steel in a piercing jewelry is affordable, the rest is labor. A barbell from Asia costs fifty cents, made in the USA it costs $ 6.00.

Hold these deceivers accountable when they try to fool you. Don't patronize them.

"Accountability" means there is a price to pay.

This is a real phone call I had:
The owner failed to see that they are successful competing against tattoo shops
but lost all their piercing business to the same shops and blaming it on "too many Shops in the area"
Wes:  Hi. ----, How's business.
X:      Good. Our tattoo figures are better than last year.
Wes:  I see you haven't bought jewelry for a real long time.
X:      Yeah, we've been buying everything from --xyz--- hand polished "quality" jewelry.
Wes:   Why is that?
X:      Actually we don't buy much anymore. Last month we let our piercer go. Too many tattoo shops. Too much competition.

It would make no sense to install Formula 1 motors in New York City taxis because they can ten go 180 mph.

So it is with body piercing jewelry.

Don't risk your business to the delusion that people will pay more for an item that looks exactly like the less costly alternative.

Analytical Services,

Certificate of Conformance

Mill Certificates, ASTM, Standards, Stainless Steel,Contents of Body Piercing Jewelry,

Test Certificate Mill Certificates, ASTM, Standards, Stainless Steel,Contents of Body Piercing Jewelry,

Mill Certificates, ASTM, Standards, Stainless Steel,Contents of Body Piercing Jewelry,

Mill Certificates, ASTM, Standards, Stainless Steel,Contents of Body Piercing Jewelry,

Mill Certificates, ASTM, Standards, Stainless Steel,Contents of Body Piercing Jewelry,

Mill Certificates, ASTM, Standards, Stainless Steel,Contents of Body Piercing Jewelry,

Mill Certificates, ASTM, Standards, Stainless Steel,Contents of Body Piercing Jewelry,


The following certificates support our claim that the balls and bars are Stainless Steel 316L are not inferior to any other 316L, but there is no way to tie your body jewelry to these certificates.

I worked in a steel mill, Bethlehem Steel in Lackawanna, NY as an inspector of bars and billets.
Mill1 Mill2Mill3 Mill4Mill5 Mill6Mill7 Mill8