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OSHA: Evidence is required to justify regulation.
OSHA: Does not recommend particular products.

References accumulate that
OSHA requires evidence to support regulations

and is unwilling to compel employers without sufficient evidence.

  • ...the Agency (OSHA) lacks sufficient information in some important areas which it feels must be obtained before it can require employers to control exposures to aerosols...p.50 Summary
  • "Because data in the record is inconclusive as to whether vinyl or latex gloves provide better protection, the final standard does not specify use of a particular material. OpCit Summary p.73
  • "The record contains no definitive evidence that puncture-resistant gloves...In view of this, the Final Standard does not address the use of puncture-resistant gloves." Summary p.75

Regulations may limit development and introduction of new methods and products:

"Specifying particular disinfectants and procedures in the final may have the effect of limiting the use of new products and of discouraging the development of new information relative to adequate decontamination." Summary p.79


A writer for Skin & Ink asked me if I was in favor of regulating the ink.
I replied there was no evidence to indicate a need. 
To protect customers was his reply.
From what? I asked.
From the possibility of getting bad ink, he answered.

Laws don't prevent the "possibility" of anything.
Regulations use force against dissenters.

Events considered "Extremely Unlikely" are not actionable.

In terms of items that are contaminated with blood that may be dry or may be wet, but are contained in a material such as gauze or a bandage, the risk of transmission of a pathogen to a susceptible host is extremely unlikely, and therefore, that type of waste can be handled like any other waste that is collected in the community, that may be contaminated in the same fashion. (Tr. 9/14/89, p92) Summary 9.27