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  More Clip Cord


RCA Jack Adapter Mini-Jack Adapter  $ 8.00 Each

RCA Adapter # 4BE-135
Just mount on back standoff
and screw the forked connector
end onto rear standoff.
No Soldering required.

Mini-Jack Adapter  # 11EX-247
Just mount on back standoff
and screw the forked connector
end onto rear standoff.
No Soldering required.

Stainless Mounting Bracket/Connector

Enclosed, Soldered
and Shrink Wrap Connection Wire.
Ready to Install by connecting to
Rear Binding-Post.

Reminder: make sure forked connector
does not touch the frame.
A Plastic Washer should separate the
forked end from the frame.



Typical Mounting locations

# 11EX-246
Micro Plug for the clip cord end
Plugs into the adapter  $ 4.75