Discovery Channel's TATTOO HUNTER
Dr. Lars Krutak
Smithsonian Institution Anthropologist
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Magic Tattoo
July 30, 2011, 3 - 4 PM, at
Sacred Tattoo, 424 Broadway, NYC
(A Unimax Free Pop-Up Event)

When it comes to tattoos, anthropologist Lars Krutak knows whereof he speaks — his hand-tapped, hand-poked, and skin-stitched tattoos and almost 1,000 razor and knife-cut scars testify to his journey to experience the roots of many ancient societies to understand tattoo as culture and to recreate the experience on his own body of what it might have been like being tattooed as it has been handed down through generations of tattooists.


Unimax is proud to present Dr. Krutak, at a Free Event on July 30th, 3-4PM, at Sacred Tattoo, 424 Broadway, N.Y.C., who will reveal tattoo as a statement of worldviews, where humans, nature, and the supernatural are united, where and how tattoo still represents the reenactment of ancient myths, ancestral traditions, and the actions of deities and cultural heroes. Video clips from his documentary series Tattoo Hunter, seen on the Discovery Channel supplement the presentation as well as some large format on-location photos by Krutak, from the collection of Wes Wood.

Dr. Krutak, PhD is an anthropologist at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington , D.C.. His books, The Tattooing Arts of Tribal Women (2007) and Kalinga Tattoo: Ancient and Modern Expressions of the Tribal (2010), will be available for signing at the event or you can pre-order them at Unimax Supply Co N.Y.C. by calling 212-925-1051, and have them signed at this Pop-Up unique Free Event.