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Also see: Other Tests

Sterility Assurance means: Testing produces consistently negative results.
Additional Comments

Test Kit
$14.50 Each Test
This is a single use test kit that will enable you to
biologically test your sterilizer.  Most health
departments require periodic testing. 
It is essential to test new or repaired sterilizers.
sterlt2.jpg (16645 bytes) This is a single test kit that contains everything you
need and will meet all health dept. requirements. 
You mail your test away in the postage-free
envelope and the results are sent back to
you after testing.
sterlt6.jpg (16231 bytes)
sterlt7.jpg (8474 bytes) wpeB.jpg (11392 bytes)
Biological Test Pack
comes ready to use in its own sealed sterilization pouch.  Place it in your sterilizer as is with a normal load between other packages you are sterilizing. (Pictures show the front and back.)
After the Biological Test Pack has been sterilized open this package and place the "Gauze-wrapped" piece inside the return envelope.
sterlt4.jpg (13151 bytes) sterlt3.jpg (16727 bytes)
The return envelope has a small blue package that contains the --Control Piece--. This piece does not get sterilized but has to be returned in the envelope together with the sterilized "gauze-wrapped" piece that was sterilized.
sterlt8.jpg (12860 bytes) Sterilization Report Form
Fill in the information on the LEFT SIDE only and put the entire form in the envelope, both copies.
The top copy will be mailed back to you after the test by the laboratory as your results.  This copy you should keep as a permanent record of your testing.